Goat champion Betty dies after stroke
The Marlborough Express Monday, 19 May 2008
One of the Marlborough Sounds most enduring and high profile people, BettyRowe,
died in Fairview Hospital, Blenheim, early yesterday morning, aged 76.
Mrs Rowe, who originally came to the Sounds from the United States with her late husband Walt, spent 30 years fighting for the preservation of ArapawaIsland's goats. Mrs Rowe
suffered a stroke on Anzac Day and family and friends knew at thattime the animal advocate was unlikely to return to her East Bay home thatmeant so much to her.
She fought long and hard to protect the Arapawa goats from shooters sent by the former New Zealand Forest Service and more recently the Department ofConservation. Mrs Rowe and rare breed societies worldwide believed theanimals to be descended from old English goats released on the island byCaptain Cook in 1773. But the authorities have sent in shooters over the years to cull the goats to protect a scenic reserve containing important Cook Strait forest and plant species. Mrs Rowe set up a sanctuary in East Bay for the goats.
Mrs Rowe is survived by her daughter Mary, sons Mitch and Roy, nine grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren. A funeral will be held at Nativity Church in Blenheim on Thursday at 1.30pm.
http://www.stuff. co.nz/marlboroug hexpress/ 4553660a6008. html
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