Wednesday, January 11, 2006


We bought this farm in 2002. We moved the cows November 2nd. I came with Dave and then spent the next few weekends traveling back and forth to MA to get things and make sure the due-diligence on property there was moving forward.

Dave, Claire and I spent the greater part of the day doing our due diligence on the triangle piece on the east side of Center Rd. Public Health to get the Declination, Tax paid reciept and filing the Mylar copy of the property in the County Clerks office.

We also got the papers on the Easment for the Wetlands today. Finally. This is part of our wetland restoration project. The swamp is partially existing. They are going to enhance it as best NRCS can. My only stipulation will be that they use native vegetation, nothing invasive. These projects are riddled with invasive species. This one is pretty good already. I'm not sure how they can enhance it. We'll see.

The other property deal is with Jen and Cecil. They complete the terms of our agreement and we procede with the land swap. It is a piece we do not use. If it was possible to purchase a piece of our neighbors fields or wooded bits, it would be valuable to us. The neighbors to our east have a value only God can afford and the one to the south has family interests that I think will prevent our ability to purchase anything. So this triangle piece is Jenny and Cecil's. Fair enough.

Sounds like everyone wants the Gouda. Third inquiry this week. Oof. I know I should have listened to Dave, but how when I have to pay him cash for the milk as I use it so that the farm keeps working. There is hope at the end of the tunnel. Mum is investing a little and one customer bought most of the inventory.

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