FOR SALE: Experimental Doe. Blue Dairy NC Angelica
Blue Dairy is Claire's prefix. This is a very lovely experimental dairy doe. Her dad is an extremely well bred Lamancha with smashing udders all over the pedigree. He does improve common does, but when you cross him onto something as lovely as Claire's doe Kickadee Hill KHJD Ava, well, you have something special. This doe basically takes a Kickadee Hill saanen and puts Lamancha ears on it. Money from the sale of Claire's goats goes directly into her college fund. She would like $300 for this kid.
Kids Sire: Nestor Acres Idol's Conner; he is a purebred Lamancha
Sire: CH Mint*Leaf American Idol, littermate to Mint*Leaf American Beauty
2008 2nd place Sr. Kid at Nationals
SS: Altrece Cosmopolitan
SSS: Willow Run Bugatti Spartan
SSD: CH Altrece Wish Granted
SD: CH The Preference Flyer 2008 & 2010 National Show Reserve GCH,
2008 Best Udder & 2010 Reserve Best Udder
SDS: Singing-Hills Preference
SDD: Singing-Hills TT Brenna
Dam: CH Pine-Springs Scouts Cora LA 8-04 91(EEEE)
DS: Pine Springs SS Scouts Redman
DSS: +*B Redwood-Hills Nomad Scout
DSD: CH South-Fork DV Satin
DD: Pine-Springs Corona LA 89(VEEV)
DDS: ++*B SG Haute Caprine Pulsar
DDD: GCH Pine Springs McCorinne LA 91(EEEE)
Kids Dam: Kickadee Hill KHJD Ava, American Saanen
Sire: *B Kickadee Hill WRS James Dean
SS: CH Willow Run Stormfront Stuck Up 3-05 88(VVE)
SSS: Windsor Manor DD Stormfront
SSD: SGCH Windsor Manor WMDM Stormy 4-00 90(VVEE)
SD: GCH Kicakdee Hill WMV Jorgette 6*M 2-03 89(VEEE)
SDS: +B Windsor Manor AA Victor 7-03 91(EEE) 2004 Premier Sire
SDD: SGCH Kicakdee Hill Jeena 5*M 2-03 87(+VEE)
Dam: Kickadee Hill KHG Abigail
Sire: *B Kickadee Hill WMV Gabriel 1-04 92(EEE)
SS: +B Windsor-Manor AA Victor 7-03 91(EEE) 2004 Premier Sire
SD: GCH Kickadee-Hill Morning Glory 6*M 5-04 90(VVEE)
Dam: SGCH Willow Run Dreammaker Arlene 2*M 5-04 92(EEEE)
DS: SG ++*B Windsor Manor WMT Dream Maker 3-03 90(VEE)
DD: Willow Run Visionquest Anneka *M
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