Friday, March 24, 2006


I had to go to Lisa's to help pick eggs. Her father had to go into hospital for heart cathederization. I took Claire. I like picking eggs. I did it for the Tilson Barns while I was in college. The chickens were good about getting eggs out of the nests. Claire wants one so bad. We'll see how the summer sales of cheese go. If I can get a good winter holding pen set up and the whole Influenza thing doesn't seem too bad, we'll get some birds. I think it would be a good idea to spread the genetics around, rather than let all of the factory farmed birds die. They are also good animals for children to work with. Gives them a sense of responsibility.

Took some of the Quark that Aissa made to Circa. Tastes like chevre and has consistency of cream cheese. I froze the last bits. Couldn't sell retail. Wasn't anything like my quark. Only to restaurants. Not much of it left, but I'll be glad when it is out of inventory. I tested shelf life too. Not as good as mine. Cats hair after a bit. I never had problems with that kind of mold. I get the green stuff when stuff gets too old.

I ordered a Ta set up from Glengarry. I want to use that more. Not as into pH. Doesn't seem the meters are as acurate as I'd like.

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